mindfulness when eating mindfulness and eating intuitive eating lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight what is mindful eating

Mindful Eating Tips For Weight Loss and Better Health

Disclaimer: I want to make sure that I provide all the resources and tools that helped me get my autoimmune disorder in check and lose weight. That means this article may contain products that I’ve personally used and highly recommend. So as an Amazon affiliate, I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. This helps me to keep providing free and valuable information. Thank you!

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mindfulness and eating
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intuitive eating to lose weight
what is mindful eating

Mindful Eating For Weight Loss and Better Health

I feel bloated, I feel fat, and that scale in the corner is certainly not my friend today. One bad cheat weekend over the holidays led to 2 months of mindless eating.

I ignored everything I learned last summer and gained back 13 of the 25lbs I lost.

But I’m not letting this yo-yo weight thing bring me down. You and I together are going to go over everything I learned about mindful eating so that we can get healthy (and possibly lose some weight)… all before summer. And no we won’t spend hours at the gym or restrict ourselves from the delicious food we love.

Let’s go!

What is Mindfulness

Mindfulness is essentially the practice of paying attention to the present moment, without judgment. It’s about being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they happen. And the benefits are phenomenal.  Mindfulness helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration, and increases self-awareness.

Although mindfulness has its roots in meditation practices, you don’t need to be religious or spiritual to benefit from it. There are many ways to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life focusing on your senses while eating.

What is Mindful Eating

It’s not always what we eat but HOW we eat that greatly impacts our health. Mindful eating is a great way to practice mindfulness to reduce stress at your next meal.

Mindful eating is about engaging all your senses to experience the joy of eating. It’s like making love with your food in your mouth. (Mmmm, how you doin? 😉)

But seriously, mindful eating is also about acknowledging your body’s hunger signals and eating without judgment or distraction. Think of it like savoring a Michelin-starred meal in a soundproof booth. Every detail pops, and you’re completely present for the symphony of flavors.

But don’t worry, you won’t need to meditate with a raisin for an hour to get the benefits. Just start by bringing a bit of mindfulness to your munching, one bite at a time.

desiree clemons, mindfulness when eating
mindfulness and eating
intuitive eating lose weight
intuitive eating to lose weight
intuitive eating to lose weight
what is mindful eating
Source: How Food Works

How to Start Mindful Eating (Without Losing Your Mind)

Enjoy the tips in these short 30-second videos to help you start your mindful eating journey. 🥗

🥗 Mindful Eating: REDUCE STRESS at your NEXT MEAL 😋 

Brain Food For Brain Health 🧠

5 Easy Mindful Eating Tips

  1. Pace Yourself: Simply slow down when eating. Put your utensil down between bites. Chew thoroughly. Maybe even flirt with your food a little—make eye contact, and appreciate its beauty. Your food isn’t going anywhere, so take your time.
  2. Tech Detox: Try eating without distractions. Yes, this means parting ways with your phone, turning off the TV, and actually sitting at a table. It’s just you and your meal, a date night of sorts.
  3. Engage Your Senses: Notice the colors, textures, and aromas of your food. How does it feel in your mouth? What flavors are dancing on your tongue? Eating is a sensory experience—let’s treat it like one.
  4. Check-in With Yourself: Before eating, ask yourself if you’re really hungry or just bored, stressed, or thirsty. It’s like having a little heart-to-heart with your stomach.
  5. Practice Gratitude: Take a moment to appreciate where your food came from and the journey it took to get to your plate. It’s a bit like giving your meal a mini-Oscar speech, minus the dramatic music cutting you off.

💡 This tabletop gratitude conversation starter will help you slow down your eating and bring fun during holiday get togethers. Check it out here.

Mindful Eating for Weight Management: A Tasty Approach to a Trimmer Waist

Now, if you’re eyeing mindful eating as a potential ally in your quest to lose weight, you’re on the right track. Unlike the latest fad diets or those “miracle” weight loss pills, mindful eating is all about building a healthy, sustainable relationship with food. It’s not just about shedding pounds; it’s about tuning into your body’s needs and making peace with food.

So, let’s explore how mindful eating can be a delicious tool in your weight management toolkit.

desiree clemons, mindfulness when eating mindfulness and eating intuitive eating lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight what is mindful eating
Source: How Food Works

Mindful Eating For Weight Loss

Mindful eating for weight loss isn’t about restrictions or counting calories. It’s about listening to your body and eating with intention and attention. By being more present during meals, you’re likely to eat less, enjoy your food more, and recognize when you’re full, not just when your plate is empty. This approach can lead to natural weight loss without the need for strict diets that make you wish for a fast-forward button on life.

Tips to Mindfully Manage Your Weight

  1. Start with Smaller Portions. Serve yourself a bit less than you think you’ll eat. You can always get more if you’re genuinely still hungry. It’s like a test drive for your stomach.

This portion control plate with motivational sayings are a must-have to remind you on your mindful eating journey. Check them out here.

  1. Savor the Flavors. Taking the time to really taste your food can make you more satisfied with smaller amounts. This will be helpful when eating ice cream or chocolate. And take sips of water in between to help with fullness. It’s the difference between inhaling a song on the radio and really soaking in a live concert.
  2. Check-in With Yourself Mid-Meal. Halfway through your meal, pause for a moment. Take a sip of water. Are you still hungry, or are you just eating because there’s food on your plate? This is your internal dialogue deciding whether you’re in for the whole ride or ready to hop off. (It’s okay to hop off and finish later)

Consider journaling. Taking a break in between meals to write down what you’re eating, the calories, or how you’re feeling. This is a Super Pro move. Check out this mindful eating journal here.

4. Choose Foods That Truly Satisfy You. Opt for foods that are both nourishing and satisfying. Foods high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats can keep you feeling fuller longer, reducing the urge to snack out of boredom or stress.

desiree clemons, mindfulness when eating mindfulness and eating intuitive eating lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight intuitive eating to lose weight what is mindful eating
Source: How Food Works

My Go-To Reads for Embarking on a Mindful Eating Journey

These books have been enlightening on my weight loss and mindful eating journey. Check them out so youre looking and feeling good by Summer! 

If you’re an Emotional Binge Eater like me, then I highly recommend this book by Dr. Nina Rocklin. This book is a 7-step guide to help you understand and change your relationship with food. 

If you’ve found yourself nodding along, eager to dive deeper into the art of living with intention, I’ve got just the thing for you. I encourage you to read Explore Your Inner World: A Practical Guide to Self-Awareness. This article isn’t just a continuation of what we’ve just talked about; it’s a journey into the very core of who you are. 😀

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