An open mind is required. This is new-ish science.
Disclaimer: I’m a 5/1 Reflector LAX Education ( i.e. Designed to be a mystical nerd who spreads universal love to the masses through education and creative self-expression 😉)
Here on my blog, I share wisdom, knowledge, and insights that I gained through various life experiences.
My Human Design work involves taking complex information and making it easy to understand for individuals interested in the topic.
*My 2027 HD notes are purposefully edited. This stuff is advanced and can be upsetting if the mind isn’t properly prepared.
Keep in mind, you DO NOT need this information and this article is meant to entertain and enlighten you in ways beyond my control. JovianArchive owns the legal rights, however, this information is available online for free (if you know where to find it )
I used paid software to transcribe the original lectures so that these articles and videos are easy for you to copy & share with your audience. Or simply enjoy some interesting and metaphysical reading material.
If you want to show support or fuel a wild creative session then gift me a small iced macchiato and caffeine me up! (An orange cup is floating around here somewhere ☺️)
Thanks so much! Happy Reading!
Prelude: Is This Information For You?
The Science in Human Design is fascinating and the 2027 predictions were given to validate and expand the way we view science and DNA.
You can read a short but detailed perspective of the Human Design System.
👉 Here are a few things you need to be open to if you’re going to study Human Design further:
- There is a direct link between the planets and human DNA and it’s provable through Human Design analysis.
- Neutrinos are subatomic particles that carry information that influences the collective on Earth.
- Humans are a binary consciousness. The body is unconscious the mind is conscious. Human Design elevates the body and promotes achieving an awareness (observer perspective) that goes beyond the thinking mind.
- In 2027, A mutation will occur but will take thousands of years to complete. There will be a shift in the program that will be felt immediately. The opportunity to know oneself will end and the predictions are rather interesting.
This information is not for the faint of heart and is NOT a necessary component to know oneself.
This is NOT fear-mongering, and many details of the mutation were left out by Ra Uru Hu, to prevent illusionary fear.
The purpose of sharing 2027 information is to advance science and promote authenticity.
If you’re new to Human Design, then a great place to start is to know your aura type and practice following your strategy and authority.
OK, so if you passed all that and you’re still on board then let’s begin with the very first 2027 lecture.
Lecture Notes & Predictions
Original Lecture: A Tale of Things To Come (1A Notes) by Ra Uru Hu, founder & messenger of The Human Design System
00:00- 6:00 Introduction
An overview of the first 6 minutes.
In the first six minutes, Ra shares his discomfort with teaching great courses like this one in a traditional classroom setting. He feels that this type of learning should take place outdoors in a more natural setting. He also voices his concerns with how much information to share with his students, as some of the knowledge comes from unconventional sources and many people aren’t ready for it.
“My only real concern is for the potential liberation of any single individual to really understand what it means to be your own authority and to understand that the moment that you become your authority, you are awake and you get to live the unique experience of why we’re here in form.” – Ra Uru Hu
Ra shares a lot of knowledge in Human Design that is not verifiable through traditional means. He believes that the logical nature of Human Design makes it possible to prove its validity through analysis.
He believes that Human Design knowledge can help us understand the changes we are going through and participate in the upcoming mutation in 2027. He explains how amazed he is at how fast science is catching up to the information he has been given.
Ra also speaks about the beginning stages of the mutation taking place everywhere. He talks about the relationship between autism and the 19th and 49th gates in detail throughout the 2027 lectures.
*Note: I purposely left out the mechanical details like diagrams and specific details in Rave charts. This is an area of study that is deep within itself and I didn’t feel the need to universalize any of that in this article, but the information is there in the original files.
New Autism & Prostate Cancer Increases
(05:58): Paraphrased
The upcoming mutation is happening in the Solar Plexus Center. Now mutation doesn’t happen suddenly, but instead, it takes place over a period of time with different events leading up to it.
Ra is convinced that we are currently undergoing a mutation, and the rise of autism and prostate cancer is evidence of it.
Prostate Cancer Increases
(08:26): Paraphrased, edited
Ra acknowledges that the rise of autism and prostate cancer is not just a statistical phenomenon, but a real-life tragedy for individuals and their families. It’s heartbreaking to see people suffering from these diseases and the burden that it places on their loved ones. However, Ra believes that these tragedies are part of the evolutionary process, and the “victims” are paying the price for the mutation to take place at a later point. This may not bring any immediate value but is necessary for the mutation to occur. Ra notes that participating in the evolutionary process brings awareness that the program and genes don’t care about us, and we must adapt and evolve to survive.
💡 Note – Just because you may have the associated gates active in your human design chart, doesnt mean you will experience autism or prostate cancer. Human design is all about the potentiality, and whether that potential comes out through you or not is something you cannot control.
Embrace The Maya & The Illusion
(10:15): Original quote and Note
“Human beings have to learn to love themselves because the program doesn’t love you. Your genes do not love you. They do not. All you are left with is the illusion in the middle. Oh yes, we are very much illusions in the middle and it’s how we deal with our illusion. That’s the whole point. That’s why I spent all these years trying to simplify the mechanics of freeing yourself from the not-self so that you can live the illusion. I mean, I love the illusion. This is life. It’s all a mirror game. It’s all this Maya.” – Ra Uru Hu
💡 Note – An individual can live in the program surrendered to its madness but not influenced by it. Once you see the mechanics, you’ll have a better knowledge of how to navigate life in “the program.”. You have to follow Strategy & Authority or surrender to serendipity and love your body. (Gate 46 if you have it 😊)
Going Into the 55th Step in 2027
(11:41): Original lecture transcribed
“One of the great courses I taught over the years was something called the 64 Steps, and it is about our evolutionary process and it’s a way of understanding the magic, one of the many, many magical things about the magic of the 64.
It’s one of the ironies or one of the jokes if you will, of looking at the way in which the hexagrams are structured and numbered. That number one and number two, rather than being beside each other are opposite each other. So what’s the rhyme or reason of going from one to 64? I mean, after all, why are they called one to 64? This is one of the magical things that’s inherent in the structure of the I’Ching. Those 64, those 64 sequences, those 64 steps, they really are an evolutionary process.
When I received the revelation in 1987, the first thing that I was told was that we were still in the 54th step. We have global cycles. We’re in a global cycle now. This started in 1615. It’s going to end in 2027 and in 2027 we go into the 55th step. So we change the sequence. We change the sequence. Think about what that really means.” – Ra Uru Hu
Genetic Codes Beyond Astrology
(13:13): paraphrased
Ra is explaining that while we may all appear to be the same genetically, what makes us unique and individual is our imprinting, or our personal experiences and environment that have shaped us. Looking at a person’s Human Design chart allows us to see how they are differentiated from others and helps us understand and appreciate our own uniqueness.
This understanding can lead to self-love and acceptance. Your Human Design chart shows detailed points of differentiation beyond astrology.
How DNA Works and How The 54th Step Is Active In Everyone
(14:46): original quote
“And it’s differentiation that makes everything important. Now look, we have cells in our body. They all carry the same DNA. All of them. Doesn’t matter what job they do. If you go into that cell and you go into its core, if you go into that nucleus, which you’re going to find is the DNA for the whole being, you could actually take that and clone the whole thing and yet within the context of that cell, it only does a specific job. It’s a blood cell, it’s a muscle cell, it’s this or that, and the reason it does that is that it has an imprint. It has a focus point that it only concentrates on when you’re looking at your design, you’re seeing your focus points doesn’t mean you don’t have any of that other stuff. There isn’t a line in the Rave I’ching that I can read that you can’t identify with and you can identify with any line anybody can because it is us, but the PowerPoints, those imprinting points, oh yes, that’s what you resonate to because that’s really your differentiation. Now, the global cycles don’t work differently. They don’t. That is what’s happening is that you’re getting an imprinting at another level. It’s another level. You’re getting an imprinting that resonates. So that imprinting, we’ve got a 54 step is the 54th gate. It’s resonating through everyone.
How Transformation Ends in 2027
(16:14): Orignal quote
It’s a whole cycle of movement. The other thing is that 54, if you look at it in terms of design, that the other side of that, that is the channel that it’s involved with is the 32nd game. And you got to imagine that if we are in the 54 cycle now and it’s not going to end until 2027, you got to go back a few years to get to the 32nd one. In other words, the whole thing that started this process started long ago. What’s the 32-54? It’s a channel of transformation only now. Only now only since 1781. Since 1781. We have been ready for transformation and it’s going to end in 2027 in February baa, and after that, you won’t be able to transform anything, nothing. And this is the only time that the potential for transformation is there from 1781 was the advent of the ninth centered being from 1781 to 2027. Now look at what has happened on this planet in that short period of time. You talk about transformation, there has never, ever, ever been anything like it. It’s incredible. No matter where you look in terms of the development of human consciousness and intelligence in terms of our capacity to be able to manipulate the environment, which is what we were designed for, the transformation is incredible
(18:14): original
And it’s coming to an end. This is the time to be transformed and slowly but surely, as we move year by year to 2027, this door is closing. The 54th gate is very magical, and when I went through the process of having the Rave I’ching written because it’s the only way I can really describe that. I wrote the Rave I’Ching in 1989. I didn’t know the I’Ching other than I had seen the Wilhelm translation translated into English, which was whatever that was worth, had no real background, and I was living in a small house outside of Frankfurt in Germany, and funny about that, it still used coal for heating.” – Ra Uru Hu
💡 Note: Wilhelms’s translation of the I’ching has been criticized by Taoist Master Alfred Huang, a descendant from the Shang Dynasty. Gene Keys also expands upon the Rave I’ching in relation to Human Design but in a more poetic way. In short, the information that is currently available on the 64 gates/64 codons/ 64 genes has mass potential to be expanded upon and is not entirely known.
Birth of The Rave I’ching
(19:31): original
“And I had a little typewriter and I was sitting up in this little loft with a little coal stove and just around this time of the year, because it was written during the Scorpio month every morning I would go up there and I would actually go downstairs first and get coal from the coal bin and I would take the coal upstairs and start the fire and then I would sit down at the typewriter and I would draw out the chop the hexagram, and I would draw the hexagram out on a piece of paper in front of me and I would just look at it and then I would write the hexagram and the lines, and I would do that every morning until I had done all 64 of them and it took me about 25 days. What was interesting about that, considering my affection for black, is that the coal dust and cold dust on my hands and all of those original documents and the first ray, if you open it up, every page is covered with black fingerprints all over this thing. “
(20:49): Edited
The 54th gate, which is where I got started, if you would take somebody who had been deeply, deeply educated in the original I’ching, I mean the real I’Ching. Obviously, the language is different but the formula is the same. People think of the 54 as a gate of ambition in the sense of the way we try to define negative ambition in people, “they’re ambitious” as if that’s a dirty word. But in fact, the 54 gate is not like that.
54 Gate Explained Further
(22:07): original
“I mean it really isn’t. That’s not its nature. Its nature is that it is waiting for that opportunity. It’s always waiting for an opportunity and it’s waiting for an opportunity to be recognized, to be recognized for its capacity. It’s a joke of the 54. If you turn it around, it’s the 45, that’s the king and the empress. The 54 is the marrying maiden, which again is a very misleading name because it has nothing to do with marrying and has nothing to do with being a maiden. It has everything to do with the original meaning the moon is not yet full. That line and the original Lee Ch was about trying to marry off your daughters. The old eing was very sexist. It was full of all kinds of stuff, but it’s one of the things to recognize is that there, in terms of that 54th gate, that really what it was about was somebody being able to see their moon is not full yet. In other words, weight, the maiden is going to blossom into a beautiful woman. It’s going to blossom into a jewel. And this is the whole thing about the 54. The 54 is waiting for somebody to see that it’s a diamond in the rough.”
(23:22): original
It’s waiting for somebody to see that. Aha, here it is. You can do it. This is our time. We are all diamonds in the rough and the nature of the program is that it’s opened up a window for us. There’s a window, it’s closing. There’s a window that’s open and it’s this window of transformation and you can see how much impact that’s had the world in the last 50 years, the revival of 19th-century mysticism, the return of the master guru trip, all of that stuff, the enormous impact that had on a whole post-war generation because this is the transformation time in 1961.”
(24:17): paraphrased
Ra is explaining the concept of cycles and how they work according to the precession of the Equinox. He notes that when going through global cycles, we move backward, and currently, we are in the 37.1 cycle. This cycle started in 1961 and will continue until 2027 when we will move into the 55.6 cycle. Ra explains that he is Mr. First line because he has ten first lines and a first line in his profile. He describes himself as someone who investigates, gets down to the foundation, and ensures that it’s solid. He believes that he is suited to this time because it is a first-line time.
Education And Cloning
(25:20): Original audio transcribed
And you have to see how important it is because the first line theme is education. The first line theme is finding things out. Since 1961, we have answered questions that are the most incredible questions. Right now, somewhere out there in the world, there are two human clones coming. They’re coming. We’re living in a time in which we really are fulfilling what is our destiny? I know it annoys a lot of people, but then again, I like annoying people. I’m a heretic. We’re here to be the God we always wanted. I mean, it’s true. God created us in his or her own image. Now, come on, give me a break. We can do that job. I don’t know about God having done that job. We can do that job. We can recreate life in our own image. Give me a Petri dish, give me some sperm. Give me a fertile egg. I’ll build you a baby. I’ll, I’ll grow it in a cow for you. They’re doing that by the way. That is they’re growing other life forms inside of a cow by using stem cells. Now, I know that all that stuff is necessarily pleasing to everybody.
The Time To “Know” Is Closing
(26:48): original
“The point is that we are living in a time where we’re here to get all of the answers we need because the door is closing. The door is closing. We only have 25 years to find out what gravity is. They still don’t know what the fuck gravity is. You imagine, have no idea. They’re still trying to deal with Newton in his apple. And until we find out the answer to that question, we’re not going to understand the most important question of all. See, when the voice first told me the mythology talked about the child, you know this by verse, as I call it, the universe, the totality, that this is an unborn, unborn entity. I mean it’s life. It’s life. And to really understand that we are part of this vast, vast living organism. Now, one of the things about the nature of that child is that child at some point, some point has to emerge into the world that created it, which has nothing to do with us by the way. And in order for that to take place, we have to be able to see that. We have to be able to see that at some kind of scientific level. And the way in which the physicists deal with that because there are metaphysicians.”
3 Possibilities Of The Reality Of The Universe
(28:19): original with notes
✨The third possibility is what Human Design promotes.✨
“They (modern scientists) have a question. And the question is, what’s going to happen to this universe?
There are three possibilities:
- “One possibility is it’s going to get to a certain point in which it collapses in on itself. The scenario is that time runs backwards. You know, rise out of the grave, you go slamming back into the womb all the way back to the beginning and it’s over, or maybe it bounces back, who the hell knows? But anyway, that’s their idea. You know, go up there and it compresses and it comes flying back. “
💡 Note: The scenario sounds like the “Big Crunch” hypothesis, which is a theoretical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe. According to this hypothesis, the universe will eventually stop expanding and start to contract, causing all matter to collapse in on itself. This would result in a “Big Crunch” where the universe would become extremely dense and hot, potentially resulting in a new Big Bang and the creation of a new universe. However, this theory is still just one of many possible scenarios and is not widely accepted by the scientific community. The idea of time running backward, rising out of the grave, and slamming back into the womb all the way back to the beginning is not part of any established scientific theory, and is instead more likely to be found in science fiction or speculative fiction.
- The other one is it’s inflationary. It never stops expanding. It keeps on expanding and expanding and expanding, and everything keeps moving further and further and further and further and further away from each other. And then you really have a cold, slowly dying dead empty place.
💡 Note: This sounds like the “Big Freeze” or “Heat Death” hypothesis, which is another theoretical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe. According to this hypothesis, the universe will continue to expand indefinitely, causing all matter to become more and more spread out. As a result, the universe would become colder and colder until all the stars burn out, leaving behind a cold, dead, and empty space. This scenario is widely accepted by the scientific community as one of the possible outcomes of the universe’s evolution.
3. “And then there’s the lunatics like me who say there’s something called steady state. And steady state is a moment to balance. It’s a moment in which the basic forces of attraction and the forces of expansion come to a place of balance. Now, until they understand the nature of gravity, they can’t answer that question, and they’re never going to understand the nature of gravity until the scientists discover the magnetic monopole. “
This model is known as the “Steady State” model, which is a theoretical model that suggests that the universe has always existed and will continue to exist without any change in its overall properties. According to this hypothesis, new matter is continuously created to maintain a constant density of matter in the universe, while the universe expands at a constant rate. This scenario has been largely discredited by observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation and other evidence that supports the Big Bang model, however Human Design recognizes the Big Bang.
In other words, a steady state exists in the now but that doesn’t mean it always will. The key lies in the magnetic monopole, which is located in the sternum of the body and that’s where scientists need to start looking.
As for the relationship between gravity and the magnetic monopole, the magnetic monopole is a hypothetical particle that would have a magnetic charge, similar to the way that electrons have electric charge. Some theories suggest that the existence of magnetic monopoles could explain certain properties of the universe, including the nature of gravity.
Where To Find Magnetic Monopole
(29:46): original
“It’s not out there looking forward here. You’ll find them in the sternum. They can be found. All you have to do is be smart enough to figure out an experiment that’ll do that and you’ll find them. And at the moment that we find a magnetic monopole, think about the magic of a magnet. I mean, think about the magic of it. It holds you together in the illusion, the illusion of your separateness. It holds you together in that illusion. That illusion includes your mass. I mean, think about that. A magnetic monopole, a magnetic monopole can hold you together in this illusion. But let’s say that my magnetic monopole, for some bizarre reason was simply going to change its frequency, and all of a sudden my mass is equal to two stars and I suck all of you into me immediately. Instant black hole chuma, you’re gone. Matter of fact, I take the planet, I take the solar system, I take the sun, I take the whole thing instantly, they a little frequency change. They don’t know how that works. You see, they assume that gravity is related to mass. I mean that that’s still Newton and the apple.
(31:14): Original
But the mass is determined by something. And until they understand the determination of the mass, they’re never going to understand how much the damn baby weighs. This is what we want to know. How much does it weigh? When is it going to be born? Can we have baby pictures? In doing a last great course, I dug out instead of making new transparencies, I dug out all these old transparencies.”
Astrological Ages
💡 Note: The astrological component of human design, specifically the procession of the equinox has an influence on the astrological ages. Human Design draws from both Western and Eastern astrology, with Eastern being less commonly understood. The procession of the equinox has been moving backward, and currently, we are in a Piscean age, but in the future, (~300 years) we will enter the Aquarian age. This transition is marked by the Equinox moving into Aquarius and the 30th gate, the sixth line or “clinging fire.”
(31:56): original
” When I first started to talk about or introduced human design, I would talk about the many disciplines that it came from, the many disciplines that were synthesized into design. When I talked about the western and eastern astrology, those of you that work with design obviously know the application of western astrology in terms of planetary positions and the calculations themselves, but the eastern astrology is rarely, rarely grasp. And what its place is within the context of design. This has to do with the procession, the pre-session of Equinox, and of course the Equinox has been moving and it’s one of these things that it’s a very important configuration. We are a lot of people who think that it’s the Aquarian age.
(32:33): original
They should really hold on because they’re not going to experience it in this lifetime anyway, and hopefully they’ll incarnate when there is an Aquarian Age. But it hasn’t happened yet. The procession of the equinox has been moving backwards. So if you start with 33 ad, the Equinox was in the 25th gate in the sixth line. So for example, what you can see is that slowly but surely it’s been moving. So we went from an Arian Age (Aries) into a Piscean age, that is the Equinox moving all the way through Pisces. And when the moment that it actually enters into Aquarius, that’s the Aquarian Age. It’s going to enter into that in 24, 39. So just over 300 years from now, we’re actually going to enter into the Aquarian Age and enter into the clinging fire.
Moving From “Leftness” To “Rightness”
(33:26): original with notes
“But I want you to grasp that where we are right now is here. You can see that our cycle began in 1615. That is in 1615. The Equinox went into the 37th gate into the sixth line, and you can see in 1961 it entered into the first line. And so throughout that period and all the way until we get to 2027, which isn’t in this graph, we have been moving slowly backwards in that sense through the structure. That means that we’re moving from left-angle configurations to right-angle configurations rather than the other way around. And that’s something else to understand. We start with the propaganda and then lead to the research rather than the way in which we live out the normal cycle, which is that the research comes first and the propaganda comes later.” – Ra Uru Hu
💡 Note: When we move from left to right, what’s really happening is humanity will research first and then propagandize.
Example: “Fact-check” first then post online, instead of what we see now in our social media feeds where people post anything, and then it’s later verified as true.
The major point is that there will be no addition to what we can research after 2027. So share all the knowledge you can now if you’re a first-line being like me. 😊
Transformation Ends, The World Does Not
(34:51): Paraphrased
In this lecture part, Ra explains that there is a “round” (cycle) that started in 16,101 BC and will end in 3,263. Ra emphasizes that the world will not come to an end in our lifetime but in about a thousand years. However, he notes that transformation will come to an end in 2027, and this is a crucial time for us to understand what is happening in the world.
2027 And Materialism
(38:34): original with note
Equinox is going to shift, and we’re going to move from a first-line theme to a six-line theme. All of you who live to that point, if you have a six line in your profile, you will finally be in your time. You will finally be in your time, and all of us, I hope I don’t get there. All of us who have a first-line theme will feel totally useless. It will not be our world. It really won’t. And when that equinox shifts, it’s going to move into the 55.6. And here’s the sixth line acquisition obsession, that though the line of selfishness (gate 55.6) acquisition, obsession, that though alienating is still indirectly beneficial material to others, but the possibility of finding the spirit through materialism, now we’re going to enter into a material age totally unlike anything we understand now. In other words, we’re going to enter into an age of form without substance survival, materialism not knowledge, not knowledge. Knowledge is not going to be interesting. It’s not.
💡 Note: Gate 55 is all about the spirit of self and the goal is to find meaning within form and materialism. However, the 6th line is about being selfish and contributing through alienation.
My useless random thoughts… As we move closer to 2027, I logically predict one would contribute through alienation in order to hide or preserve resources. Think about anonymous donations and what would provoke a person to do so. Because the sad news of 2027 and materialism is that, wealth is not granted to the majority and in later recordings, it is said that “the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer” so the economic divide we now see in 2023, will widen and not close, or the individuals with more material possessions (or have gate 55 prominent in their chart) will survive longer.
Mass Depopulation & Mass Sterilization
(40:32): original
“Those of you over the years, I’ve talked about this often, that we’re going to have in the middle of this century, we are going to have an enormous crash in population. We’re already beginning to see that in the context of advanced societies. We already know that most advanced societies on the planet are not reproducing at a level that’s sufficient enough to replace themselves. The birth rate of Spaniards is 1.2. The birth rate of the average European is 1.7. In other words, we’re already not producing enough for whatever reasons not producing enough to replenish our societies, the third world, the fourth world, whatever. The reality is that the combination of the destruction of the ozone layer and the advent of very complex diseases like AIDS and many other factors, including vast sterility that’s at work on this planet, we’re going to come to a point where we have real population collapse and it’s going to come faster than most people think at the time. We have the advent of what 2027 is really going to bring. It’s going to bring our demise, shall you, shall I say? I don’t know if I’m really phrasing that right.” – Ra Uru Hu
The Rave Children
(41:57): original with note
“The word “Rave” has nothing to do with anybody in this room. The rave isn’t born yet. I mean, we’re human. We’re homo sapiens and homo sapiens are basically killer monkeys. So we’re a vast collection of killer monkeys with smart manipulative brains, but we’re not raves. The advent of the nine-centered being is that we are as much a victim as the autistic and prostate victims because you see, we’re a victim of the transformation of the vehicle, and yet we’re not designed for it. I don’t mean to disappoint anybody. Why do you think it’s so damn hard for you to wake up? The nine-centered vehicle is a vehicle that belongs to the children that are going to be born with the solar plex mutation. It’s their vehicle. It’s perfect for them. For us, it’s a trial. It’s much more complex. It’s much more demanding. And of course, in our process as humans, what we’re simply trying to do is we’re trying to find someplace inside of us where we can accept our aloneness. Where human raves will never be alone. I’ll explain why, but they will never be alone. They will never have to deal with aloneness, and they will never know aloneness intellectually. They will never know aloneness physically. They will never know aloneness in any way that one can imagine, because they’re an evolutionary progression.“
💡Note – Some theories within the Human Design community speculate that rave children may be Ai or clones or share a consciousness. Meaning one godhead with many forms.
Who is the godhead and how that could happen is a big mystery. The positive side is that the Rave Children will be better humans and potentially more aware and divine. Although we will co-exist, raves will continually grow to have the upper hand and control in this world.
Being Awake Is Being Alone
(43:42): paraphrased for kindness 😂
Ra Uru Hu acknowledges the tendency for people to seek connection with others in group settings but emphasizes that true connection can only be found within ourselves.
He also notes that human beings will continue to exist on the planet even as we evolve, and predicts that we will experience a phenomenon where two dominant species (Homosapiens and Raves) coexist for a period of time.
(46:02): paraphrased
Ra Uru Hu emphasizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating diversity in humanity. He notes that as humans, we are the last experiment in this level of differentiation and that the whole structure of Earth as a platform for life is built on diversity. Ra Uru Hu highlights the fact that thousands of species disappear every day, and that our ability to find what we need and progress as a species is dependent on having enough selection in our gene pool. He believes that the millions of scientists who are continuously researching and expanding our understanding of the world play a vital role in this process.
Ra Uru Hu emphasizes that despite our individuality, we are all in this journey together and that the resolution for us is to awaken to the beauty of what it is to be different.
Be Your Own Authority
Ra Uru Hu (47:56 – End): Paraphrased
Ra Uru Hu talks about the importance of embracing one’s individuality and being ones own authority.
Each person has their own unique movie, and it’s important to honor and surrender to one’s own authority. Nobody else should have the right to be your authority, not even God. True awakening comes from honoring your own authority, which is within your design. The magic of humanity lies in its vast diversity, and only by embracing this diversity can we see the potential of consciousness. Unfortunately, society often tries to impose sameness on everyone, which hides the not-self behind fascism. Embracing our individuality is the key to true liberation and unlocking the potential of humanity.