Reflectors and Awakening – Ra Excerpt

This article is an excerpt from a retreat that Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, gave while he was still alive and teaching.

There are many insights and a must-read for all Reflectors. I keep referring back to this as I’m doing consciousness work.

Ra Uru Hu about Reflectors

“There is not enough Reflector knowledge yet on the planet. There are not enough Reflectors that have the knowledge yet to be able to grasp what it is they are here to do in their process. The awakening of a Reflector is very, very different than the awakening than any of the types. It is not an awakening to self. It is not an awakening to the other. Those things are not the point. It is an awakening to one’s connection to the whole.”

“The great disappointment for Reflectors is when they put their faith in the other. This is the great disappointment that awaits all Reflectors because sooner or later that is something that’s going to hurt them. They are here to embrace what is a larger force in their life. It’s just what they’re here for. And of course, the moment that they are on that mundane plane that’s when the disappointment arises. The moment that the conditioning of the people around them is stronger than the conditioning of the program that’s the moment that truly the Reflector becomes lost. They’re not here to reflect you and me.”

“And what is so clear to me about what happens to a Reflector when they meet the other is that they don’t meet the other like anybody else. That is, they certainly don’t meet the other the way I do. I have definition. The moment that you have definition, that very counterpoint of having no definition makes you totally different. Reflectors are quite alien to the rest of us because they don’t operate in the same way.”

“When you think about the way time works for us, the vast majority of human beings are in a hurry because life is short and it goes fast and sooner than you know it it’s just done. So we have this concern about lost time and what we’ve missed and what we could miss and all those other things.

Most of that has to do with the fact that the majority of the planet are energy types, and energy types are on the move. They are eating up time, if you will.

But when we come to the Reflector, the Reflector lives in a time zone all their own. It is a lunar cycle time zone. It means that the decision making process is something that has to be compressed out of a 28-day cycle. Think about that. If we remember our time from decision to decision, there is all of this movement that has to take place for the Reflector before any decision can be made. And of course, this is so difficult. It’s tough to wait 28 days, it really is.”

“I’ve given so many different kinds of descriptions of what the Reflector really is. I began with the canary in the cage in the old coal mines. The Reflector was the most sensitive to the environment, and as such that that canary would sense if there was any toxic gases and would sacrifice itself for the benefit of everyone else. But if you keep on hammering that same metaphor it gives one a sense of the potential victimization of Reflectors, and they’re not here to be victims.

But it was a way of illustrating the relationship between the Reflector and the program. Because you see, where the Reflector is confused by others is the assumption that they operate integratively the same way with other human beings, and they don’t. But they operate in a way with the program that human beings do not. They never have a definition that blocks off the program. And they have no way in terms of the way in which their shielding works, because their shielding is simply about aura. It is not about the direct neutrino feed. What they receive from the transiting program is that this is what they’re here for. This is who they’re here to integrate with. They’re here to integrate with the larger whole.”

“It’s not for a Reflector to be conditioned in terms of how they’re going to live their day-to-day life by the people that around them, because that’s not successful. They are less likely to be conditioned by somebody else despite electro-magnetic attractiveness then they will be by a planet going by hitting a harmonic to one of their hanging gates. That planet is going to have 6, 7, 8 times more power in their life in that place than any possible human being that could come with the same activation.”

“One has to be careful about terminology—they’re basically our priests in a sense. And I don’t mean that in the religious sense. I mean that in the kind of people that stood on the top of old pyramids and figured out what the sky was saying. This is a different kind of relationship. They’re designed to commune with the gods. Now, of course, you know I do enjoy calling the planets gods, however, no one is better equipped to embrace the gods and to be one with the gods than a Reflector.”

-Ra Uru Hu

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Reflectors and Awakening – Ra Excerpt

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