how human design reflectors awaken and enlighten

How Human Design Reflectors Awaken To Thier True Nature

Reflector awakening is very different than any other type. It’s NOT about awakening to the “self” but awakening to the whole and embracing the program.

Hello friend, I’m a Reflector who has connected with hundreds of Reflectors and been studying Human Design for 6 years. In addition to that I’ve been deconditioning for over 18 years, and I’m a qualified counselor pursuing my Masters in Art psychology. With my background and experience , I felt that I can shed light on awakening as a Human Design Reflector since it’s a unique process.

For any type to awaken, it is said that they must follow their Strategy and Authority in 7-year cycles to discover who they truly are. And only 4% of 4% (that’s 5 people in 3000) who come across Human Design will actually awaken, and Reflectors are said to be the hardest to become enlightened because of thier deep connection to the planetary transits.

Not only is that information discouraging, but the Reflector Strategy is to wait 28 days (or a full moon cycle) to make important decisions.

Telling someone to do that for 7 years to discover this true self, seems like an impossible task. It’s why reflectors are encouraged to embrace the program to understand their constant changing self.

There are many aspects to Reflector awakening. Awakening for a Reflector, is an individual process that may bring up conditioning from childhood, difficult life experiences, or realizing that thier current environment needs a major change.

See reflector awakening is not a one-size-fits-all and a human design reading may only give temporary results but can be a pivotal resource in understanding your chart.

Like every path of enlightenment or awakening to your true self, a deeper look into your relationships, beliefs, finances, environment, family upbringing and spirituality, just to name a few, need evaluating.

Keep in mind this is tough and there will be difficult moments. This is why I created The Inspiring Reflectors Facebook Group so that you can connect with other Reflectors and stay motivated along your journey.

To get started on a journey of awakening as a Reflector, I feel it is best to know what Ra Uru Hu says about reflectors while being mindful of how you feel when reading this post.

As you’re reading this excerpt from Ra Uru Hu, the founder of the Human Design System, keep the following questions in mind

Ask yourself:

  • Am I feeling resistance?
  • Do I agree or disagree?
  • Am I understanding this?
  • What thoughts are coming up?
  • What am I feeling Inspired To do?
  • Am I feeling too overwhelmed?
  • What areas of life do I feel I need to improve?
  • Am I in the right Environment?
  • How does this personally affect me?
  • What can I do to become more aware of how the programs effect on me?

What is the program In Human Design

Reflectors Open Centers Don’t Condition Like Other Types

“We all know that when it comes to looking at the nature of a Reflector, that a Reflector by its very nature is extraordinary.

They are not that small of a minority. Based on our statistics there are nearly 100 million of them in the world, so that’s a lot of people. They are very different. And they’re very different because they given off an illusion when you look at their Design that has nothing to do with who they are. Nothing at all. It is not even fair to say they are chameleons or that they are actors, because in fact, they require no masks, in that sense.

When you study Human Design and you look at open centers you’re automatically struck by the power of not-self strategies and the way in which they operate. Then you look at a Reflector and you see all of those open centers and you think ok my goodness, here is a being that has according to Human Design, no inner authority, no reliable inner authority in their process. Here’s a human being that has nine open centers, they must have a mind that is totally cranked up and absorbed in the not-self domain. They must be deeply vulnerable to the conditioning of others. All of that isn’t true.

Reflector Aura And Its Shielding

I have an interesting connection with Reflectors because I’m a Manifestor. Manifestors and Reflectors have similar kinds of auras in a way. That is, neither Manifestor nor a Reflector is comfortable with allowing any aura to absorb it. So, there is a certain commonality in the way in which the auric fields operate. And what is so clear to me about what happens to a Reflector when they meet the other is that they don’t meet the other like anybody else. That is, they certainly don’t meet the other the way I do. I have definition. The moment that you have definition, that very counterpoint of having no definition makes you totally different. Reflectors are quite alien to the rest of us because they don’t operate in the same way.

Now, I mention they have something in common with Manifestors. What they have in common is a quality that is basically called trust. The Manifestor child comes into the world and the parents automatically don’t trust it. That is, they know, because it can operate independently that they’re going to have to control it. When a Reflector child comes into the world, the parents instantaneously don’t touch it; don’t trust it because they can’t touch it. This is the thing that makes Reflectors so different. It’s like one of these science fiction movies where you’ve got these space ships and they have protective shields. You can’t see them. They’ve got this kind of very stiff aura around them that takes any kind of hit on the outside, but it barely does anything on the inside but create a kind of little rumble, or a bit of noise here and there.

Most of that has to do with the fact that the majority of the planet are energy types, and energy types are on the move. They are eating up time, if you will. But there are variations. You have emotional beings who can’t afford to eat up time. You’ve got emotional beings that have to sit on their wave and they have to wait for the clarity to come. So it changes the way time works for them, because in fact, if you look back in your memory, time is only one decision to the next. It isn’t anything else.
Of course, for the emotional being, while they’re waiting in their wave, waiting to make a decision that they cannot make in the now, that there is in all that waiting there is a sense of, and this is their mind, that something is going to be missed. And there is suffering because there is a frequency that has to be obeyed. And we well know that most not-self beings will not put up with that very long. They will simply explode one way or another.

When Reflectors are walking in the world they’re wearing a shield. The whole thing about that shield is that the technology of that shield is directly related to other human auras. In other words, it’s directly related to the other types. But it’s not related at all to the program. It’s very interesting about comparisons between defined and undefined. If you follow the daily transits and you’ve got definition and something is activating your definition, there’s very, very little impact. There’s a bit of a taste that might be added to what is already there. But there is very little impact, because in a sense it is blocked off. Basically what you’re looking at in terms of the Reflector is that the Reflector in the way in which its shields operate is that it basically blocks off human conditioning. But it can’t block off the program.

28 Day Lunar Cycle Time Zone For Reflectors

The Reflector lives in a time zone all their own. It is a lunar cycle time zone. It means that the decision-making process is something that has to be compressed out of a 28-day cycle. Think about that. If we remember our time from decision to decision, there is all of this movement that has to take place for the Reflector before any decision can be made. And of course, this is so difficult. It’s tough to wait 28 days, it really is. This is not the kind of thing that human beings are good at, they’re not good at it at all.

Everything about this discussion is not about changing anything; this is the cycle for a Reflector. But it’s about giving a Reflector an opportunity to recognize its basic duality, its relationship to the program and the very nature of its aura, and the way in which its aura works. In understanding those two things and putting them together with Color is the ability on a day-by-day basis to be able to align themselves to what is correct for them while they move through the cycle.

I’ve given so many different kinds of descriptions of what the Reflector really is. I began with the canary in the cage in the old coal mines. The Reflector was the most sensitive to the environment, and as such that that canary would sense if there was any toxic gases and would sacrifice itself for the benefit of everyone else. But if you keep on hammering that same metaphor it gives one a sense of the potential victimization of Reflectors, and they’re not here to be victims.

But it was a way of illustrating the relationship between the Reflector and the program. Because you see, where the Reflector is confused by others is the assumption that they operate integratively the same way with other human beings, and they don’t. But they operate in a way with the program that human beings do not. They never have a definition that blocks off the program. And they have no way in terms of the way in which their shielding works, because their shielding is simply about aura. It is not about the direct neutrino feed. What they receive from the transiting program is that this is what they’re here for. This is who they’re here to integrate with. They’re here to integrate with the larger whole.

Conditioned by Transits More Than Humans

It’s not for a Reflector to be conditioned in terms of how they’re going to live their day-to-day life by the people that around them, because that’s not successful. They are less likely to be conditioned by somebody else despite electro-magnetic attractiveness then they will be by a planet going by hitting a harmonic to one of their hanging gates. That planet is going to have 6, 7, 8 times more power in their life in that place than any possible human being that could come with the same activation.

One has to be careful about terminology—they’re basically our priests in a sense. And I don’t mean that in the religious sense. I mean that in the kind of people that stood on the top of old pyramids and figured out what the sky was saying. This is a different kind of relationship. They’re designed to commune with the gods. Now, of course, you know I do enjoy calling the planets gods, however, no one is better equipped to embrace the gods and to be one with the gods than a Reflector.

Their relationship is not one that is mundane. They are not here to have a relationship with other human beings in the way that other types do. Obviously, that brings some difficulties into their life. But again, most of those difficulties are simply a matter of not operating correctly. For a Reflector to operate correctly is not a matter of waiting from one 28 cycle to another. It isn’t. It can’t be. It’s too difficult.

There is not enough Reflector knowledge yet on the planet. There are not enough Reflectors that have the knowledge yet to be able to grasp what it is they are here to do in their process. The awakening of a Reflector is very, very different than the awakening than any of the types. It is not an awakening to self. It is not an awakening to the other. Those things are not the point. It is an awakening to one’s connection to the whole. Obviously, that can lead to all kinds of spirituality, religiosity, on and on and on. But remember, speaking from just mechanical language this is simply about being attuned to the environment, the programming environment. Reflectors are here to be living examples, in that sense, of the embodiment of the program.

Reflectors are taking in the program, are embodying the program on a day-to-day basis. Reflectors are here to embrace the program. Correctness for a Reflector is being conditioned by the program. Think about that. It’s the complete opposite of everything we understand about the other types, about the vast majority of humanity.

Ra Uru Hu

Reflectors Need To Surrender to the Program

A reflector is here to live out the program. Whatever it is in the program, if that’s coming out of you as a Reflector you’re being correct. In that process there is a way of aligning yourself.

There is all kind of surrender. If you’re any of the other types you have to surrender to your strategy and authority. You have to. If you’re a Reflector, you have to surrender to the program. It’s all program. Starting with the Moon, it’s all program. If you surrender to the program because each an every human being is truly unique you get your special unique relationship out of that program. While you’re going through that 28 day cycle, there is no need for you to wonder whether being pulled along by the program is something that is positive.

If you see a Reflector and they’re operating correctly and they’re taking in the program, every human being can see the face of conditioning embodied in someone. And the Reflector is the only one who really knows what the weather is. These are our weather persons. They’re the environmental weather people. Like the canaries, if you watch a Reflector who is simply just absorbed in the program you’ll see very clearly what the program is. You just will. You’ll see the direction we are being taken in. And for them, this is the way.

The Reflector has no way to protect itself from the daily program. So, in fact, more than any other creature on this planet they are designed to be deeply impacted by the program—Sun worshipers, actually. It may be that the Reflector cycle is ruled by the Moon, but they are focused on the neutrino field. It is what they’re here to take in. They’re here to take in the primary programming information.

Here to Feel the World

The Reflector is here to be one with the program, not the other. Genetically, in that sense, they have a limitation in terms of how impactful the other can be in their lives. They’re different. There is no knowing them in that way. They are the program.
So there’s a cycle to what they are year after year. But there is a mystery behind that. There is their passenger, their witness consciousness that watches their life. This is the aspect that is exalted in that process, to be able to see, more than anything else, precisely where we are going on a day-by-day basis. You can feel the world. They’re here to feel the world. They’re here to experience the program. Nobody else.

Humanity needs that. Everything about the way in which we operate is that we operate through our nodes and we operate through environments. We operate through environments that are conditioned by the program. It’s only the Reflectors that are here to understand what kind of conditioning forces are really at work because they are it. They’re here to experience it.

Here to Follow Their Soul

A Reflector’s chart is laid out in the same context as everybody else’s, so there is no inner authority. It’s not there. But the key is disappointment. A Reflector isn’t here to follow others. They’re here to follow their soul. I know that sounds rather wishy-washy, or New Agey, or bunny language. But, in a sense that’s what it’s really about. The great disappointment for Reflectors is when they put their faith in the other. This is the great disappointment that awaits all Reflectors because sooner or later that is something that’s going to hurt them.

They are here to embrace what is a larger force in their life. It’s just what they’re here for. And of course, the moment that they are on that mundane plane that’s when the disappointment arises. The moment that the conditioning of the people around them is stronger than the conditioning of the program that’s the moment that truly the Reflector becomes lost. They’re not here to reflect you and me. They only sample it. And what they’re really sampling is to see how much of the program you’ve taken in; because, after all, it’s not good for you. What’s good for them is not good for you. They can carry it inside them and it’s perfect. You carry it inside you and you’re lost in the not-self.

At some point down the road they’re the ones that will be able so easily recognize it on a day-to-day basis. To be able to walk up to somebody hearing their conversation and say, “You know, you’re just talking program right now, because that’s what I sound like right now, and I’m the program.” It’s rather amazing. We still do not have a population of Reflectors that are educated enough and sensitive enough to actually understand what they’re here for. To even begin to experience what they’re here for. And instead what we have is their disappointment.

It’s something to think about. They are Reflectors. It’s not their disappointment. It’s the disappointment of the other that they have to meet. The other being disappointed that the Reflector is not a Projector. It is disappointment. The moment that that is what you’re taking in from the outside, that’s the moment for the Reflector that this begins to build up if they are not operating correctly.


Color is probably the most extraordinary tool for liberating the mind. It’s not about liberating the body. You can liberate your body by following your strategy and authority. But to follow your strategy and authority, particularly for non-energy types is often very difficult. It’s not so easy to use your strategy. You don’t always have an authority. So it becomes a process that from moment-to-moment, from those moments where “aha, I have an invitation,” or “aha, I have my chance,” that in those moments everything can seem that you’re operating correctly, but by the time you get to the point wherever it is it’s taking you it turns out to have been a mistake.

There is so much that can be conditioned. There is so much that move you away from what you are. Here is where Color is of enormous benefit, because what Color represents is our underlying motivations—what moves us.

Because, what the Reflector needs more than anything else is something that keeps it honest to its process. A tool that it can use to make sure that it knows that it is operating correctly, regardless of where it is in its lunar cycle, regardless of what is happening in its relationship to the other. And to know that it’s operating correctly is just about sensitivity, sensitivity to certain keys.


Now, everything about the nature of color is that color is something that is unstable. In other words, the motivations that we all have, the motivations that lie beneath the line of your profile, those motivations that are there are never really consistent, they don’t hold there. The only thing that keeps holding them there is every time you align yourself to what is correct. But their tendency is always to transfer. Now, of course, the transference itself is a harmonic process. That is, the 1-4, 2-5, 3-6 relationships that are there in this 6 structure, these harmonies. So if you’re a 4 you transfer to the 1. If you’re a 1 you transfer to the 4.

Think about it. If you come into the world and you’re here to be driven, motivated by needs, it is very different than being motivated by fear. But fear is where you end up being motivated all the time, because of the transference. As long as you’re not operating correctly then your Color is always transferring, which means that the way in which you move towards anything is incorrect. More than that, it allows you to grasp something very, very special, a deep recognition of the impact of the other. Because the other, the way most others affect us, is that they move us away from what is our natural motivation.

The moment that you’re in any kind of relationship that is simply incorrect then you’re going to be in a relationship in which your motivation isn’t going to operate correctly. You may be with somebody who is constantly pulling you to the transference of what is correct for you. When we’re using Color transference as a way to understand one’s alignment or one’s correctness we’re going to look at that in two ways. We’re going to look at it in terms of the way in which it impacts our profile, and the way it impacts our nodes. This is about being and seeing.

The way you’re going to be in this life you’re intended to be motivated in a certain way. As long as you can recognize that that is your driving motivation then you’re gong to be healthy, in that sense, in the way in which you’re going to be in this life. And the nodes are the seeing. You see, seeing is so subjective. If your seeing is conditioned by fear, then you’re going to see very different things than if your seeing is conditioned by need. You’re looking for different things. So you don’t end up seeing what’s there for you to see. You don’t end up being what’s there for you to be. You don’t.

It’s not a big question if you’re a Generator, for example, as the opportunity to be able to operate continuously through their response mechanism. But this knowledge for Projectors and Reflectors is absolutely essential for their well-being, because it gives them something to align to. It gives them a way of seeing during those gaps in their strategy/authority process whether they’re on the right track and whether or not there are forces in their life that are positive for them or negative. And oh how different it is for them, because the mind has something to work with, it has something to look out for, it has something to watch for.

An Intellectual Tool for the Mind

This is for the mind. This is an intellectual awakening tool for the mind, to keep the mind honed in and to keep it honed in on what it needs to focus on. If you’re a Reflector your motivation is one of the few things that’s really yours. It doesn’t belong to anybody else. And the moment that they take you away from what is yours, then you know that you’ve got the wrong people in your process.

We well know that for Reflectors specifically, and for anyone with an open G, how important it is to be in the right place, that the right place means everything. And the right place for a Reflector is a place that will come out of its hopefulness and through which it will remain hopeful. That’s the only way that it can work. So, you see, the moment that you’re looking at Color, and the moment you’re looking at the Color of the Sun/Earth, you’re looking at one of the most important tools for aligning yourself to what is correct on a day-to-day basis. If you align yourself correctly to your motivation everything else will fall into place.

The dilemma for the Reflector is not to be concerned about the conditioning of others. It isn’t. They’re here to absorb the conditioning of the program. But they still have to be correct within themselves; they still have to make major decisions in their life on that 28-day lunar cycle. They still have to follow their mechanics. But if they’re aligned to the correct motivation as they go through the wheel being aligned to their correct motivation will eliminate the mental dilemma of wondering whether they’re right or wrong, or whether this is good or bad or all the other things that the mind is going to get into.

The Reflector has a resistant sampling aura. They are very isolated within the context of the program. And they’re isolated because they have a narrow relationship to the other. It becomes extraordinarily important for Reflectors to operate out of the correct motivation. This is one of those things that grounds them.

Hopefully, years from now when, like everything else in Design, the Reflector population grows in terms of those that are interested in the knowledge and we will eventually get around to seeing the byproduct of this kind of relationship to the whole. And the value of them being able to align themselves just to know who has a right to be in their life. If you have those forces in your life that bring out your motivation they are of enormous benefit to you. That is as positive of a force as you can have around you, because as a Reflector this is one of those truly stabilizing aspects of your nature. To be able to hold to that, in this context, to be able to hold to one’s hope. And if you have those forces in your life that are coming up to you and saying, “Yeah, I think it’s going to be great, too,” and be positive with you and encourage you, in that sense, those are forces that are correct for you.

And if you have those forces in your life that try to smash your hope, it’s just so obvious. Sometimes it’s rather subtle. And how do they try to do that, they try to do that by making you feel guilty, by conditioning you, by moving you away from what is correct for you, to be hopeful, to live your life as a hopeful being despite what there is around you. Motivation is this extraordinary key that opens up this door.

Obviously, if you’re looking at the Reflector coming into the world you can see there is a fundamental dilemma in the way they come into the world. All the pressure on them is social pressure. It’s this concern that arises in their families, in their parents, that there seems to be this distance that can be there between them and the other. There are all these social concerns about them. None of that does any good for the Reflector; it just leaves the Reflector to begin early in life to be disappointed with the other.

Yet, at the same time because they are open they have to have a purpose in this life that is a process that they go through. This is the alignment with the program. This is the alignment with the fundamental conditioning that is there for them. The only thing where humans are truly important for them are those moments that open up the possibilities for them to launch into their strategy and an important decision making process in their life, whether that’s about love or career or schooling or whatever it has to be, those moments are something that need to be triggered by the right forces in their life.

An Existential Being

But the rest of it? They have the world to explore within themselves, sampling everything in relationship to themselves in the moment. There is no greater more extraordinary existential being on this planet than a Reflector. They are the embodiment of the existential moment-by-moment program. They are the expression of the gods. They are the temple, they are the oracle, and they are the voice of all of that. This is what they’re doing every day in their lives. And one of the real confusions that we have in analysis is this confusion that the forces of connection between the Reflector and other types are given too much value and not enough value is given to transit.

If you want to see what your Reflector friend is going to be like on any given day just look at the program. It’s all you have to do. Oh, yes, they will bring a nuance to it, no question about it. After all, they have all of those dormant hanging gates waiting to demonstrate what is their unique take, if you will, on the program.

Potential for Extraordinary Wisdom

Remember the wisdom; it’s about wisdom in the end. No other type has such an extraordinary potential for wisdom than the Reflector. We know this to be the basic program. That is, the open center is a conditioning center, and the moment that you’re not disturbed by it as a conditioning center it opens up a possibility of being wise, wise in the way in which those things operate. Obviously, looking at any Reflector is looking at the potential of being deeply wise, and wise in the way of the world.

There is so much for them to take in. And the only thing missing is stability. It’s just stability. It looks like there’s this constant shifting, but there isn’t because underneath is something that’s solid and consistent moment by moment, and that’s the way they were designed to be motivated in this life. Nothing touches that. That is their underlying continuum. So when we talk about the Reflector process how absolutely essential this is for the Reflector to grasp. To simply be able to see what their profile is to look at the Color and the transference, and then you can tell. And you can tell right away.

It doesn’t matter what your binary is, what your Color is, what the transference goes to. You’ll see immediately all around you the forces in your life that bring this side or that side. You’ll know right away. This is the joy when the mind finally gets something really interesting to think about, the veils start to drop. And then you look out into the world and you see the world differently.

Color is an Anchor

You also see something else. For a Reflector, Color is an anchor. You can throw it over the side and it will hold you in place. And this is the most magical thing for a Reflector about Color. This Color gives you a stability that you don’t have the surface. You can’t see it on the surface. On the surface it’s all reflection. But just below the surface of the line there is this continuity that is there. And this is a place where the Reflector can go in all of that instability of the changing phases of the Moon they can go to that place and if they’re correct in that place everything else is just fine.


Now, we’re going to take a shift and take a look at the nodes for a moment. The nodes are really extraordinary things. They are so much a part of the way in which we feel about the life we live in. We look out at the world in a certain way, each and every one of us. It’s these slices of the world. These 32 different nodal polarities that there are 32 ways to look at the world. The way you look at the world is very important because this is how you are aligned to your purpose. In other words, the world in which you get to fulfill your being is through the correct world of seeing. Seeing the world correctly is something that’s very important.

Again, we’re dealing with the same kind of phenomena. That is, when we look at any other kind of type and we want to discuss the nodes, before we can even get to the question of looking at underlying themes of motivation, we’re dealing with other potentials. The potential that the nodes are part of definition, that they may be in a split, they may be hooked up emotionally, whatever the case may be. In other words, we have a lot of criteria that we have to deal with primarily. And there are many different ways in which we would analyze that based on the way those configurations operate and their influence.

But again, when you’re dealing with a Reflector you’re dealing with something that is very different in the way in which it works. And that as I’ve described to you that being able to look at the profile Color and understand that this is the underlying continuity for a Reflector in terms of their life, in terms of their being, that when you’re looking at the nodes for a Reflector it is essential for them to align themselves to the correct vision.

If I can put it this way it’s like with the whole business of place. If you’re in the right place you have a certain view. It’s just the way that it works. And to really understand that for a Reflector the right place, the right view, the right way of looking at the world is essential because that’s what they’re here to experience. And they’re here to experience through their 1/32nd of the way in which we see. They’re here to experience the world, the environment within the context of that environment.

If you’re not looking at the world the way you’re intended to see it, well there are so many things for you that are simply not there. You’re going to meet disappointment. You’re going to meet disappointment out of the transference because the transference is going to move you in the wrong direction. The mind, in that sense, interprets the whole of its world by the slice that it sees. That life is nothing but desire, that the world is a place of nothing but desire. Well, that’s ok if that’s your motivation.

Operating Correctly Out of the Right Motivation

If you are not operating out of the right motivation you are not going to operate correctly. When you’re dealing with the basic majority of types the fact that they are able to operate consistently with their strategies and authority, this does not become an enormous dilemma. But for Projectors and Reflectors at a much greater degree, to be aligned to your motivation, this is the thing that is really going to make a difference in your life. It just is.

This way of seeing, every single one of us has to deal with that. You and I with our different nodes we look at the same thing and we see it differently. Of course, we’re supposed to see it differently. We need to see it differently with the correct motivation. And only then can we share what we see ourselves with the other. Only then can we really get a composite that demonstrates to us the nature of the world.

But a Reflector is here to integrate seamlessly with their environment; seamlessly. It’s like that—I think it was the last James Bond movie. It had this wonderful car that could disappear and it was sort of a trick with lights and camera, but nonetheless, it could disappear. It could fade into the environment. One of the deepest gifts inherent in the Reflector is to be able to fit into the environment and in that sense disappear. And disappear not in the sense that they are no longer involved and active and whatever, but they’re exactly the way they should be and where they should be. Through that they get to fulfill their purpose.

Reflector Aura Doesn’t Let Others In

Remember, they’re not well understood. It’s very difficult to live in this world and not have the same kind of aura as a Generator. A Generator comes into the world, they’ve got an enveloping aura, and they’re pumping it out with this huge motor, they surround you with their aura; they assume everybody is supposed to be like that. And they’re very uncomfortable when you’re not.

Only Projectors and Generators have what is in fact a true auric relationship to each other. Manifestors and Reflectors are on the outside of the game. And Reflectors are even further on the outside. It makes it difficult because they are not understood. So the pressures are always applied to them in the wrong way. And there are always these concerns about them socially which has nothing to do with them. Most of the complaints that people have about Reflectors, and God knows people have complaints about Reflectors, most of those complaints are actually just sour grapes, because they can’t get in the door, because the Reflector aura doesn’t let them in.

This is something that auras don’t like. When you consider the fact that Generators with their enveloping aura, and Projectors with their focused aura, they represent almost 90 percent of humanity. They don’t like meeting auras that are not welcoming. And I don’t mean that’s conscious in them, as if to say they’re sensitive enough to even be aware of that. What they’re aware of is they don’t seem to have the same connection.

My concern for Reflectors is always in their families when they’re young. There’s all this pressure on them socially that there’s always this attempt to try to integrate them socially in ways that just don’t work. This is not what they’re about. They’re about integrating with the environment. And if there happens to be people in the environment, that’s ok. But that’s not the point for them. If you’re dealing with a Reflector that is a lower trigram, right angle cross profile, then you’re dealing naturally with a very self-absorbed being who is naturally intended to be absorbed in themselves as a Reflector.

Reflectors Need to Know Themselves in the Program

It’s interesting; Generators are described as the type that must know themselves, the old ‘know thyself’ story. And the interesting thing about a Reflector in comparison is that a Reflector actually has a deeper need to know itself, but not itself. It’s a deeper need to know itself in the program. This surrender to the program, but you can only surrender to the program as a Reflector if you’re operating correctly. That is, that you are making those decisions over a proper cycle, that you’re aligned to your motivation. And remember, it doesn’t mean that you’re always hopeful. There’s always going to be forces pulling you away and Color naturally transfers. Once you understand, as an example, that hopefulness is a key for you, you can recover it when it’s lost. You can because it’s the most natural thing for you to be hopeful.

This is just a mind exercise to connect the passenger mind of the Reflector to its essence so that it can sit back and watch. When you have this alignment of seeing the environment correctly and being one with the environment through just focusing on what’s important for you; that is, focusing your motivation rather than focusing on the activations that are around you. This sense that because Reflectors are so open that they have to pay undue attention to the Designs of other people that are in their life. Well, yeah, sort of, but it isn’t that important to them.

Important Just to Take Things In

Remember that there is a resistance aurically for them. What is really important for them is just being able to take things in. Period. Take the environment in and take it in correctly, it’s a digestive process. It’s just about breathing it in. You get to see what this variation on the program leads to because remember what variations of the program lead to. They lead to all the variety of the different forms of life on the planet.

This is the program operating at its deepest level in a human being. And it means that if you could gather the 100 million Reflectors on the planet you would see the 100 million fingers of God, each and every one of them, this unique expression out of the same program. And then you can catch a glimpse of what’s really in the program.

Reflectors in whatever time there is for the movement of evolution and mutation, I don’t really think that Reflectors are going to ultimately be able to carry the banner of triumph because I think it’s an exceedingly difficult process. I think it takes a great deal of intellectual depth to be able to truly live the Reflector experience correctly. Not only must it be your serendipity that such knowledge comes your way, or the benefits of being able to grasp the knowledge and to effectively begin to experience it, but to get to a point of awakening, to get to that place where one’s relationship with the whole is complete.

I don’t think that any other type has such a spiritual potential within them, to form this kind of extraordinary bond with the nature of the world itself. And it is their beauty to be able to express that and to be able to express that through their lives. They’re here to teach us something. They’re here to teach us that there are higher relationships. They’re here to show us that the program itself is truly the life force that life is emerging through it.

All of us here in our differentiated vehicles with our definition please understand that is the general experiment to be able to work out all these various configurations and see what quality of reflected consciousness we can come up. And yes, there are roles for each of the types. But most of those roles are proactive roles, the builders and the guides, the retiring manifestors. And Reflectors? Well, they know what’s going on.

My assumption is that Reflectors will have a deeper connection to the changing of the cycle in 2027 than anyone else, that they will feel it in a way much more profoundly than anyone else. There are signposts. And like the canaries in the mines, every time that you have an awakened Reflector you have a living signpost of what the program is bringing. It’s like they’re all in a way clarions carrying the news. They’re carrying the news of what’s there.

I don’t think that there is enough time for the potential of such a process to be fulfilled because it’s enormous. It calls for a greater level of surrender than any of the other types confront, because along with that surrender is recognition of an altered relationship with the physical forces around you in your life, with people in your life. To be able to come to grips with being different in the way in with you will always relate to the other, and the other will relate to you.

In a socially dynamic specie this carries so much pressure and is so time consuming in the life, the demands that one bonds and one raises families and you go through all of these roles and all of these things. For a Reflector, these are not necessarily acceptable. So much of that is cultural conditioning. And cultural conditioning is about the impact of people on us, on each and every one of us. And Reflectors are not here to be influenced in that way. If it’s not in the program, they’re not here to display it. The program is changing. It’s moving further and further away from what it has been for these hundreds of years since this cycle began in 1610. And of course, Reflectors are deeply aligned to this process.

Important to Pass on this Knowledge

My last comment is really about using the information positively. It’s very important that the Reflectors, each and every one of you know a Reflector in your life, that this is information that you can pass along to them. It’s so important for parents of Reflector children so that they have a deeper understanding of the nature of their child. Obviously, that changes the nature of their relationship with them. It’s so easy for Reflectors to be disappointed with life. It normally is not life at all; they’re just disappointed with people. They’re disappointed with people because that is a reflection of the reaction of people who expect something of a Reflector that is simply not there.

Their beauty has not yet been seen. And they themselves have not yet come to the point where they can truly display that beauty, that essence to others. But if there is a way to help Reflectors in their process, I’m convinced that Color knowledge for them, and a basic understanding of their aura and its consequences that these are tools that can make the transformation process for Reflectors easier. Like any good mechanical tool the truth of what it reveals is a byproduct of simply doing the experiment. The longer a Reflector is attuned to following its true motivation, slowly but surely the truth of that process will reveal itself in the quality of the Reflector’s life. What I care about on the surface in Human Design is I care about making human beings lives easier. Reflectors, they deserve the same ease of life as everyone else, and this is their way. This is a consistent way to align them to what will work for them.

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